Navigating the legal landscape can be complex, and one area that often raises questions is the concept of cohabiting relationships. Understanding the legal implications of cohabitation is essential.
If you would like more advice, contact our team today.
Last month, government guidelines were announced to control the spread of coronavirus (COVID-19) in the UK. As of the 23 March, the public has been told to stay at home apart from necessary food shopping, one form of exercise a day, and work for those listed as ‘key workers’. Part of the restrictions also included not meeting family members who do not share your home.
As China begins to get a glimpse of life on the other side of coronavirus, it seems that not everyone has been feeling the love during quarantine. It emerged that divorce rates in the country have soared, as couples were forced into spending time together in mandatory lockdown.
The Scottish Government has launched a consultation over a proposed family justice modernisation strategy.
A woman has lost her right to receive life-long maintenance payments from her ex-husband, following a landmark decision by the Court of Appeal in England.
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